Powerhouse Comic Con 2022
POWERHOUSE COMIC CON 2022 continued the Bay Area tradition of bringing the pop culture community together for its sixth year of fun and memories. Every year friends and family gather, and every year new friends and faces come together with familiar faces of those who have come to Powerhouse Comic Con since 2017. Every year Powerhouse Comic Con gets better and better and 2022 brought down the house with great special guests, artists, video games, movies, games, and the best vendors, and exhibitors from all over the west coast. Once you attend Powerhouse Comic Con you become part of a large family. Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, California has served as the host venue from the very start, and they enjoy Powerhouse Comic Con as much as the local community. The family-friendly environment gives everyone an opportunity to have unimaginable fun. What makes Powerhouse Comic Con special is that it is organized by fans who love pop culture, and not a corporate conglomerate. Powerhouse Comic Con supports the entire community.
Powerhouse Comic Con has a tradition of bringing classic superheroes that are iconic. Powerhouse Comic Con has brought only the best memorable retro characters in rare appearances. Actor Reb Brown who played Captain America in the television movies in the late 1970s treated fans to photos, and autographs that will be cherished. This was the last time he appeared in California and it was a historical moment. Powerhouse Comic Con always reminds attendees to come out and see the special guests because it is most likely they will never appear again. Reb Brown's last appearance in California gave the fans a very special memorable moment. Marta Kristen from the iconic television science fiction television show "Lost in Space (1965-1968)" joined Reb Brown with a special appearance by Robot Model- B-9. Rounding out the headliners was Jessie Flowers who was the voice actress for Toph in the animated series "Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008)."

Powerhouse Special Guests are always very diverse in pop culture filled with multiple and different genres to satisfy all fandoms. Actress Charlotte Stewart "Little House on The Prairie (1974-1978), Eraserhead (1977), and Tremors (1990)," made her second appearance at Powerhouse Comic Con. Jon Provost "Lassie (1957-1964)," makes his fourth appearance at Powerhouse Comic Con and has become a staple to all the attendees and he is always there for the fans together with his author wife Laurie Jacobson. They have become fan favorites at Powerhouse Comic Con. Local flavor and favorite Lord Blood-Rah added his horror expertise to Powerhouse Comic Con. Michael Svabek producer at iiRcade Inc brought his Gold Edition arcade consoles to Powerhouse Comic Con where attendees had the opportunity to play thousands of video games. This was also the first time fans were able to play the new iiRcade Gold Editions before its official release to the public.

What is a comic con without artists? Powerhouse Comic Con is known for supporting local artists in the Bay Area and that tradition continues with our fabulous guests who appeared in 2022. Artist Luis Rivera is the head artist for Colossus Girl Entertainment Comics with such titles as "Team Colossus, Team Colossus Origins," and Commando Cody Monthly." Warren Montgomery head of "Will Lill Comics" and colorist, letterer for "Team Colossus" and "Team Colossus Origins." Peter Secosh is a Colossus Girl Entertainment Comics contributor and inker for such titles as "The Bod (Image), Doll and Creature (Image), Elvira #108-111 (Claypool)." Tobe Daranouvong co-creator and artist of Alpha Q Comics (Villain Comic) and artist of Sumo Geisha, Tobe is also working on a Colossus Girl Entertainment Comics title "Team Colossus Origins #3." Christie Shinn Founder of HoraTora Studios and creator of the "Demon Bitch." Chris Marrinan a Colossus Girl Entertainment Comics contributor with "Team Colossus #1," and several exclusive posters. Chris also worked for Marvel and DC Comics. Chris Marrinan and Tobe Daranouvong created exclusive posters only for those attending Powerhouse Comic Con 2022


Powerhouse Comic Con embraces the cosplay community and has given more prizes, and recognition than any other pop culture event in the world. World Top Class trophy, cash, prizes at the famed cosplay contest titled "Cosplay of Champions" and hiring cosplayers making many professional cosplayers who travel all over the country to perfect their craft. In 2022 we saw some top cosplay legends. Jasmine at Atomic Bomb Body has been dawning the cosplay of Colossus Girl since 2018. She became a fan favorite. A new comer Holly who is the official Gem Star and part of Team Colossus came to Powerhouse Comic Con and shined taking photos and meeting attendees. To round out the cosplay guests and locals to the Bay Area SpideyKo & Million Dollar Cosplay.

Sights and Sounds of Powerhouse Comic Con 2022
Powerhouse Comic Con as always was a historical experience. More activities and fun was had including the movie theater where attendees watched films, anime of our appearing special guests. Panels and games are always a Powerhouse staple. Powerhouse Comic Con has become the premier Comic Con of friends and families. It is a Bay Area tradition.




Celebrity Panels hosted by Distance Nerding Podcast
Arcade Consoles provided by iiRcade Inc

Game Room hosted by Kobold's Keep